


The SSR CLID is the new industry standard format for identifying a corporate customer in a flight reservation (CLID = client identification). In case a client code entry fails (system response eg. "CORPORATE ACCOUNT NOT FOUND"), it means either that:
1. You are trying to enter a code which has not yet been activated in the NDC/GDS database; it usually takes over night for a new client code to become active in a GDS database.
2. There is a typo in the CLID you are trying to enter.
3. In Edifact, you forgot to add AY in front of the actual CLID (please note that some of our client codes also begin with AY, e.g. AYA.. or AYB.. or AYC.. which means that the command might look like it has too many "AY" but indeed is correct).
4. You are trying to enter a CLID which has been inactivated on our side; if a corporate customer has not had any purchases since 1st of July 2018, the client code has been inactivated.
5. The CLID is not part of the current corporate agreement.

You can report an inactive CLID to us via this form.