News for travel agents

Change Fee sub-code on EMD changes for Travelport and Sabre users


Until now there has been different sub-codes on EMDs issued for collecting change fees depending on the GDS used; D/993 PENF for Amadeus users and D/992 PENS for Travelport and Sabre users. We have streamlined the sub-codes so that as of now D/993 PENF is to be used regardless of GDS when collecting ticket change fees.

When creating an EMD document or EMD pricing record, the Reason for Issuance Sub-Code (RFISCs) and their description are automatically filled in the EMD TSM. All GDS’s support D/993 PENF and D/992 PENS must no longer be used.

More instructions can be checked with the GDS’s and information on EMD Reason-For-Issuance codes and sub-codes is available on Easy’s EMD page.