Check-in times

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Online check-in is available up to 36 hours before departure. If travelling with a direct flight from Helsinki to the United States, please note that the online check-in opens 24 hours before departure and closes 75 minutes before departure. 

At the airport the check-in and Bag Drop open at the latest 2 hours before departure.

At Helsinki Airport, passenger can check in for their flight during the previous evening before departure between 6 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. (closed on 24 December).

Below you can find the deadlines that apply for check-in. The purpose of these deadlines is to guarantee that flights can depart on time.

Point of departure Destination Check-in must be completed
Finland Finland 45 minutes before departure
Europe Europe 45 minutes before departure
Europe Asia, Central America, Middle East 1 hour before departure
Europe United States 75 minutes before departure
Asia, North America, Middle East All destinations 1 hour before departure*

*90 minutes if check in at Kowloon railway station.

Check-in times may vary if the flight is operated by a partner airline; please check the corresponding airlines for correct check-in times.

All baggage must be checked in before the deadline, and passengers must have their boarding passes with them when boarding.