
Cancellation fee applies to all those group reservations when cancellation free of charge has been exceeded but tickets have not been issued yet. 

Group cancellation fee is paid by EMD

  • EMD is consumed at issuance 
  • EMD is non-refundable and non-exchangeable. However, EMD can be voided during the issuance day until the sales report has closed. 
  • With those routings where YR remains, both net fare and YR will be paid on same EMD 
    (i.e. total sum of net fare and YR together). As an example, if cancellation fee for net fare would be a total sum of € 4000  for all cancelled passengers and cancellation fee for YR charge would be a total sum of € 2600 for all cancelled passengers → € 6600 cancellation fee to be paid altogether on one EMD. Please see the example PNR below. 

Example PNR, where group deposit has been issued (€ 50 / pax = € 500 ): 

 RP/HELAY0671/HELAY0671            AA/SU  30OCT22/0745Z   JZZK2W     
 0. 10NEW YORK  NM: 0                                                
  1  AY 015 G 09NOV 3 HELJFK HK10 1545    1700 1845   *1A/E*        
  2  AY 016 G 16NOV 3 JFKHEL HK10 2250 8  2350 1455+1 *1A/E*        
  3 AP HEL 09-818 8825 - FINNAIR - A                                
  4 TK OK30OCT/HELAY0671                                            

 6 OSI AY EMD 1051832171721     

Cancellation in this example is done 30 Oct. Cancellation fee is 100% of net and YR. Deposit will be fully refunded. Cancellation fee is issued for the total 660 € x 10 = 6600 €. 
(10x net 400 € + 10x YR 260€) 

If there are already names in the PNR at the time of cancellation, you can create EMD from any passenger's name in the PNR. 

In case no names have been inserted, add group name as one passenger for EMD issuance (EMD creation against group name element is not possible). 


IUAYNN1CANCHELJFK Create SVC element for cancellation fee and add the origin & destination cities of the cancellation: 
TMC Create TSM-P 
TMI/F6600/CV-6600 Add fare and coupon value 
TMI/FP-CASH Add form of payment 
TTM Issue EMD 

EMD after issuance: 

EMD-1051832171722     TYPE-S                                 SYS-1A  LOC-JZZK2W  
INT-           FCI-1  1         POI-HEL        DOI-20OCT22         IOI-19490951  
PAX- NEWYORK/NYC                                                            ADT  
RFIC-D  FINANCIAL IMPACT                                                         
CPN-1  RFISC-995  AY HELJFK  S-F   SAC- 105K1PABUV5QI  VALUE-6600.00             
 DESCRIPTION-CANCELLATION FEE                                                    
 CONSUMED AT ISSUANCE                                                            
 PRESENT TO-                                                                     
 PRESENT AT-                                                                     
 SERVICE REMARKS-                                                                
FARE   F    EUR        6600.00                                                   
EXCH VAL EUR    6600.00      RFND VAL                                            
TOTAL       EUR        6600.00                                                   
FP CASH                                                                          

The EMD number for cancellation fee must be entered in the group PNR in OS element before cancelling the whole PNR: OS AY EMD 1058201124909 GROUP CANCELLATION FEE 

PNR after EMD issuance: 

RP/HELAY0671/HELAY0671            RS/SU  30OCT22/0818Z   JZZK2W    
0.  9NEW YORK  NM: 1                                               
 2  AY 015 G 09NOV 3 HELJFK HK10 1545    1700 1845   *1A/E*       
 3  AY 016 G 16NOV 3 JFKHEL HK10 2250 8  2350 1455+1 *1A/E*       
 5 AP HEL 09-818 8825 - FINNAIR - A                               
 6 TK OK20OCT/HELAY0671                                           
 8 OSI AY EMD 1051832171721                                       
11 FA PAX 105-1832171722/DTAY/EUR6600.00/30OCT22/HELAY0671/1949   