Release notes


Release note (in PDF)


AirShopping optimizationReject shopping requests for unsupported itineraries.
Corporate identifier (CLID)Identify corporate travellers for booking, servicing, and reporting.
Departure time-based filteringShop with a filter based on departure time.
Fare rules and benefits
Labels.xlsx Labels.json
Map values and labels for fare rules and benefits in shopping. 
Map content languages.
Finnair bus connectionBook Finnair flight/bus connections.
Minimum time before departureFlag offer that is too close to departure time to be booked.
Secure flight indicatorFlag flights that require passport information.
Sell free servicesRetrieve free services from the ancillary catalogue.
Separate cabins searchShop to get all fare families on multiple cabins.
New PTC "C15"PTC for passengers aged 12-15.
New bag productsNew chargeable ancillary bags.
Direct flight searchSearch only for offers containing direct and non-stop flights.
Seller upfront commissionDefine and display seller upfront commission.



Release note (in PDF)


Fare Calculation and Fare EndorsementReturn FC and FE elements in OrderView.
Modifying unpaid orderReshop unticketed orders.
OrderCancel responseReturn additional information after cancellation.
Reporting type indicatorIndicate the reporting type (Airline, BSP, or ARC) in the OrderView.
Return cabin type informationReturn the cabin name and code in the OrderView.
Fare benefits in OrderViewRSFare benefits are displayed in OrderViewRS.
Adding agency contact infoAdd agency contact info at OrderCreateRQ.
Order updateAdd or delete contacts, documents, loyalty.



Release note (in PDF)


Repricing of an unpaid order after external modificationReprice unticketed order in case of modifications performed outside of NDC.
Repricing of an unpaid order after TST expirationGenerate a new pricing record (TST) with the same pricing context.
Support EasyPay as form of paymentUse IATA EasyPay (virtual) credit cards as an FOP.
Support UATP as form of paymentUse IATA UATP (corporate) credit cards as an FOP.
3DSv2 protocolSecure credit card payment.



Release note (in PDF)


New Reason Code (104)Notify that an order has been cancelled due to the payment time limit being reached.
New Reason Code (112)Notify that an order has been modified due to a voluntary change by the customer.
New Reason Code (113)Notify that an order has a no-show passenger.
New Reason Codes (6, 9, 11, 13, 18, 19, 20)Various SSR update related notifications.
One way display modeReshop with a different fare family for each requested bound.
Order splitPerform voluntary split on multi-passenger orders.
XF taxXF tax displayed with associated airport code.
Disruption handlingChoose whether to accept or exchange a flights in case of a disruption.