NDC API capabilities

Capabilities currently supported by our NDC API

Finnair NDC API is based on IATA schema version 18.1 and 21.3.

Features in italic following an asterisk (*) are currently not supported by Finnair NDC API.

Features in bold are currently only supported in NDC API version 21.3.



FlightsSend AirlineProfileRQ, receive AirlineProfileRS
Send AirShoppingRQ, receive AirShoppingRQ
AncillariesSend ServiceListRQ, receive ServiceListRS
Send SeatAvailabilityRQ, receive SeatAvailabilityRS
PricingSend OfferPriceRQ, receive OfferPriceRS



CreationSend OrderCreateRQ, receive OrderViewRS
UpdateSend OrderChangeRQ, receive OrderViewRS
DisplaySend OrderRetrieveRQ, receive OrderViewRS
Send OrderListRQ, receive OrderListRS
* Send OrderHistoryRQ, receive OrderHistoryRS
ServicingSend OrderReshopRQ, receive OrderReshopRS
Send OrderQuoteRQ, receive OrderQuoteRS
Send OrderCancelRQ, receive OrderCancelRS (18.1 only)
Send OrderChangeNotifRQ, receive AcknowledgementRS



Seller recognitionDefine market (POS) with Country Code
Identify aggregator with Aggregator ID
Identify direct connect with System ID
Identify non-IATA travel agent with TIDS
Identify IATA travel agent with IATA Number
Delegation flow

(*) Feature currently not supported by Finnair NDC API.

21.3 specific features marked in bold.



Passenger typesCreate passenger from PTC: ADT, CHD, CNN, INF, YTH, STU, SEA
Create adult passenger by default
Automatically associate infant with adult
Manually associate infant with adult
Create up to 9 passengers plus 9 infants 
* Manually re-associate infant to another adult
* Create passenger with several PTC
* Create group booking
* Identify unaccompanied minors
Loyalty recognitionUse Frequent Flyer card from Finnair Plus or One World
Use Frequent Flyer card for mileage accrual
Use Frequent Flyer card for price discount
Use several Frequent Flyer cards at once
Use Corporate ID (Client code) for reporting and for price discount (SSR element)
Name elementsAdd passenger's title, firstname, lastname
Add passenger's date of birth
Add passenger's gender
Truncate name if too long
* Add passenger's middle name
Contact details (APIs)Create AP elements from e-mail and phone numbers
Create APN, CTCE, CTCM elements for notifications
Create AB elements for billing
Create SSR DOCS containing Passport information
Create default SSR DOCS from the DOB only (for secured flights)



Itinerary typesShop One Way itinerary
Shop Round Trip itinerary
Shop Open Jaw itinerary
Shop Complex itinerary (3-4 bounds)
* Shop Open segment
Flight typesSearch for direct and non-stop flights only
Propose AY operated flight
Propose Codeshare flight
Propose direct flight
Propose Multi-leg flight
Propose Secure flight
Identify flights too close to departure time
Propose interline itineraries
OptionsSelect one or multiple cabins
Select different cabins at bound level
Select preferred departure time
Shop on an up-to 7 days time range (calendar search)
Shop directly from flight details
Use One Way display (in Shopping and Reshopping)
Use Itinerary mode (in Shopping and Reshopping)
* Use One Way Combinable mode
* Use Dual flow (calendar with upsell)
* Select preferred arrival time



FlowsShop ancillary in prime booking
Shop ancillary in post sale
Shop ancillary for unticketed order
Select one or several ancillaries at once
Select one ancillarie several times
* Shop ancillary for non-AY operated flight
Chargeable servicesSelect chargeable Seat
Select exempted Seat (based on fare family or loyalty)
Select baggage (prepaid, carry-on, special etc)
Select Meal
Select Wifi onboard
Select Lounge access
* Select pack of services
Free servicesSelect free Meal
Display free baggage allowance (number of piece)
Display free baggage allowance (weight)
Display free carry-on baggage allowance
Catalogue constructionUse Service filing
Shop for specific segment
Shop for specific passenger
Highlight service
Filter service
Order services
Display Rich content (images)
Display Disclaimers
* Shop for specific service type
* Display Quota information



PricingTarget specific fares with a Corporate code
Discount price with Promotion code
Automatically select currency based on the market
Manually select currency
Modify price dynamically (continuous pricing)
* Price in loyalty points/ miles
Fare typesReturn Public fares
Return Negotiated fares
Return Corporate fares
Return IT/BT fares
Return Campaign fares
Return Student fares
Return Seat Only fares
Return TMC fares
Return Visit Home fares
Return Marine fares
Return Tour Operator fares
Return Joing Business fares
Upsell offersPropose best pricing offers
Propose offers in higher booking class


Offer content

Flight dataDisplay Secure Flight indicator
Display flight legs information
Display departure and arrival terminal
Display bound and flight duration
Fare detailsDisplay fare type: public, private, negotiated, corporate
Display Fare Family branding (fare rules & benefits)
Display fare benefits based on requested language
Time LimitsCalculate Payment Time Limit (TTL)
Calculate Offer Validity Time Limit
Calculate Price Guarantee Time Limit (TST validity)

(*) Feature currently not supported by Finnair NDC API.

21.3 specific features marked in bold.

Payment flow

Form of paymentPay with BSP Cash (IATA BSP-agents)
Pay with ARC Cash
Pay with non-enrolled Credit card
Pay with 3DSv2 Credit card
Pay with IATA EasyPay (IATA BSP-agents)
* Pay with BOP (on CN market)
* Pay with several FoP
* Pay with Loyalty points/ miles
Deferred paymentUse deferred payment whatever the FoP
Calculate Payment Time Limit (TTL)
Reprice order (fare and taxes) if TST has expired
Reprice taxes (for TO fares only) if TST has expired
Reprice order if TST does not match the order
Reprice order (OB Fees) if FoP changed
Book ancillary on unticketed order
* Pay for a part of the order only
* Use deferred payment in Servicing flow
Reporting/SettlementReport with 1A-RET to BSP for IATA seller
Report with 1A -HOT-file to AY for non-IATA seller
Report with 1A-SPRF to ARC for US ARC seller
Risk Management APIsValidate agency status with BSP Risk API
* Validate agency status with ARC Risk API
Ticketing failureRollback the booking creation (no more inventory held)


Order content

PNR dataDisplay 1A RecLoc and OrderID
Display passenger details: names, contacts, loyalty data
Display payment information: FoP and associated paid amounts
Display active segment
Display ancillary (chargeable or free)
Display remark
Create remarks automatically
Display RecLoc for associated order after Split
* Display RecLoc for Operating PNR
* Display DID, IID, UCI, CPR reference
* Display PNR history
Ticketing dataDisplay TTL for un-ticketed order
Display Tickets number and associated coupons numbers
Display EMD number and associated coupons numbers
Display price details: base fare, tax total, OB fee
Display tax breakdown for flight: amount, country, tax code
Display Fare basis code
Display Fare endorsement
Display Fare calculation
Display Void eligibility
Display Refund eligibility
Display Exchange eligibility
Display refund amount
Display reporting type indicator: Airline, BSP, ARC
Display fare rules
Display Fare Family branding (fare rules & benefits)
* Display Ticket/EMD history
Not returned data* Display Order conditions
* Display Order history
* Display passenger gender
* Display SK elements



SearchSearch active orders with OrderID
Search active orders based on 1A PNR RecLoc
Search active orders with passenger name
Search active orders based on creation office
* Search for inactive orders
* Search for orders based on flight data
CancelCancel un-ticketed order
Delete itinerary & ancillaries
VoidVoid ticketed order on the same day before 22:45 GMT time for BSP
Update Tickets & EMD coupon status to "Voided" & cancel PNR
Void order with disrupted flight
Limit Void request to order creator (same IATA number & POS)
Void split PNR
Void orders with ancillaries
* Void EMD only
RefundCalculate refund amount, including penalty
Refund whatever the fare type
Fully refund order
Partially refund order (some bounds only)
Refund partially flown order
Refund taxes on an un-refundable ticket
Refund order paid with several different FoP
* Refund order paid with several currencies
* Refund tickets with pax travelling with infant
* Refund during void window
* Refund order for some passengers only
* Refund ticket after check-in
* Refund inactive PNR
* Refund ancillary
ExchangeAdd bound
Remove bound
Add ancillaries
Change flight date
Change routing
Change cabin
Change both bounds together
Change each bound separately
Change inbound only when outbound flown
Modify order multiple times if journey not started
Modify order without issuing a new ticket (revalidation)
Reissue whatever the fare type
Reissue with different FoP than first issuance
Reissue in case of residual value (netting may apply)
Diplay Fare Benefits when reshopping
Rebook unticketed order
* Change fare family 
* Change bound partially (modify or delete some flights only)
* Reshop Secure flight if no SSR DOCS in PNR
* Modify inactive PNR
* Upgrade with loyalty points/ miles
* Exchange ancillary
* Full itinerary exchange (O&D) change
* Multiple reissue for inbound if outbound is flown
PNR updateAdd Frequent flyer number
Update APIS (add/delete)
Update contact element (add/delete)
* Delete Frequent flyer number
* Update passenger (add/delete)
* Update name (add/delete)
* Update remark (add/delete)
* Update ancillary (delete/modify)
SplitCreate second order with part of the passengers
Split unticketed order
Split order multiple times
Automatically reassociate infant to linked adult (no manual choice possible)
Automatically reassociate segments, services and tickets/EMD
Apply any servicing process after split
Keep TTL unchanged for un-ticketed order
Involuntary changeAutomatically reissue tickets
Automatically refund tickets
Acknowledge new itinerary on order with disrupted flight
Exchange order with disrupted flight
Notifications (OCN)Supported. For list of codes please go to AY specificities page.

(*) Feature currently not supported by Finnair NDC API.

21.3 specific features marked in bold.