Finnair Easy News

AY269/270 TMP & AY229/230 TKU flights replaced by buses 02NOV-01DEC22

Operational news

Due to changes in the operating environment, we regularly update our traffic program and are now making updates to the November traffic program. The number of passengers in Turku and Tampere is at such a level that we temporarily replace these routes with bus connections. Affected customers are informed directly and their updated travel info can be checked in GDS/NDC as well as in Finnair Manage Booking and in Finnair app.  

The changes do not require any actions on the bookings from the agents as Finnair updates the tickets at the same.  


Original flight schedule: 00:05 – 00:40 

Replacing ground transportation: AY9607 HEL-TKU 00:05-02:05 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​AY230 TKU-HEL  

​​​​​​​Original flight schedule: 06:00 – 06:35 

Replacing ground transportation: AY9608 TKU-HEL 04:00-06:00 


Original flight schedule: 00:05 – 00:40 

Replacing ground transportation: AY9603 HEL-TMP 00:05-02:05 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​AY270 TMP-HEL 

​​​​Original flight schedule: 06:05 – 06:40 

Replacing ground transportation: AY9604 TMP-HEL 04:00-06:00 

In case the new schedule is not suitable for customer, you can 

  • rebook to the afternoon bus departure on the same day. Rebooking in same RBD or lowest available in same cabin.  

Ticket must be updated as involuntary reissue using S indicator in front of the fare calculation on the reissued ticket (S indicator referring to commercial change taking place more than 2 days before departure). SKCHG must be added in the endorsement. 

  • cancel and refund the ticket directly in your own GDS or if that is not possible, process refund via BSP/ARC (refund of ancillary services on EMDs to be processed via BSPlink refund application).  

If you rebook or cancel, one of the following OS element must be entered in the booking: OS AY CHANGE DUE TO FLT REPLACED BY AYBUS for changes or alternatively in case of refund OS AY REFUND DUE TO FLT REPLACED BY AYBUS.