FAQ & Support

Frequently asked questions about FAST

What is FAST? 

FAST stands for Finnair Agency Sales Tool and is a free NDC-powered web-based user interface to book and service Finnair NDC content.

Who is FAST intended for? 

FAST is intended for any IATA BSP Travel Agent (in markets where Finnair is a member of IATA BSP). FAST is also intended for Travel Agents with an existing connection to Finnair NDC but with limited servicing capabilities.

How much does it cost to implement and use FAST? 

It costs nothing and it is free of charge. But you do need to have a computer, web browser and a working internet connection.

What are the prerequisites to get access to FAST?

You need to be an IATA-certified Travel Agent with an IATA number and have Finnair ticketing authority in a market where Finnair is a member of IATA BSP. You also need to complete the FAST registration/signup and agree to FAST Terms and Conditions.

Should I sign up for FAST, do a Direct Connect with Finnair or access Finnair’s NDC content via one of Finnair's certified NDC Aggregators? 

It is dependent on your business model and/or technical capabilities. FAST doesn’t require any technical or IT work on your part. Finnair will support you regardless of the way you connect to our NDC.

I have my own sales platform. Can I use FAST to get data to my platform?  

Unfortunately, no. For this kind of use case, you need to consider other ways to connect to Finnair NDC – Direct Connect or via a certified NDC Aggregator.

What kind of content is available in FAST?

Flights and flight-related ancillaries such as bags, pre-reserved seats, meals, Wifi, and lounge access. Content is based on existing commercial agreements with Travel Agents.

Will the Edifact surcharge be applied to FAST bookings? 


What language is FAST available in? 


​​​​​​​What Terms and Conditions apply to FAST? 

You can find FAST Terms & Conditions on the FAST page in the NDC Portal.

How to get access to FAST? 

By completing the signup/registration form and accepting FAST Terms & Conditions.

How long does it take for Finnair to approve the FAST signup request? 

It can take up to 2 weeks from the moment of your registration. If 2 weeks have passed and you still have not heard from us, please contact us at ndc@finnair.com

Can non-IATA agents get access to FAST?  

FAST is currently available to IATA-certified agencies only.

Is FAST available for corporate customers?  

No, FAST is available only to IATA-certified Travel Agents. If you are a corporate customer, please contact your travel agent or book directly via Finnair.com using the Finnair Business Travel section.

Who needs to register to FAST?  

On the FAST signup/registration page, you only need to register one user of your Agency. If your registration is approved that user will be then approved as Agent Admin and will be able to create and control all sub-users in FAST in line with the needs and requirements of your Agency.

My Agency operates with multiple IATA numbers. How do I register them?  

It is possible to add any number of IATAs to your travel agency users, by using the "Multiple IATA" feature of FAST. Please note that you need to be an admin user and Finnair needs to approve the IATAs before you can use them.

What booking actions can be performed in FAST?

You can book Finnair marketed and operated flights and various ancillaries. Please note interline is not currently available in FAST.

​​Can private and corporate fares be booked in FAST?

Yes, you can book private fares, including corporate fares. Please note access to those fares is based on existing commercial agreements your agency has concluded with Finnair.

​​​​​What types of itineraries are available? 

One way, return and multi-city.

Are codeshare flights available? 

Yes, Finnair marketed, and other airline-operated flights are available in FAST.

Are interline flights available? 

Interline flights are currently not available in FAST.

Are group bookings supported? 

No, for group bookings (more than 9 passengers). Please refer to the Finnair Group Travel information.

Is 'Book and Hold' supported? 

Yes, you can make a booking and then complete the payment and ticketing at a later stage. Please note the ticket time limit assigned to your booking, after which the booking that has not been ticketed, will be automatically cancelled​​​​​.

Is promo code supported? 


What payment options are available? 

BSP Cash, Customer credit card (via BSP), IATA EasyPay.

What currencies are available?  

Currency is based on your BSP market sales and reporting currency and will be automatically assigned during the registration approval process. You cannot change the currency of the sales during booking or servicing.

What servicing options are available?

After the order is created and ticketed you can void (on the same day until 22:45 GMT), refund, add ancillaries and re-shop. Adding or removing a bound with partial refund is also available.

What happens to a FAST booking when there is a disruption? 

It is treated like any other Finnair booking and will be handled in line with Finnair disruption rules and policies. All passengers are automatically re-accommodated and notified via SMS and/or e-mail about the disruption and next steps. Please note that in case of disruption an OCN will be triggered which will be visible in FAST.

Does FAST support disruption handling?

FAST supports acknowledgement and exchange of the alternate flights proposed by Finnair in case of disruption. The option to acknowledge or exchange will pop up as soon as the affected booking is opened in FAST.

Refunding of a disrupted booking is currently not supported in FAST and it is necessary to contact Finnair Customer Care to initiate a refund.

Does disruption handling work with on-hold (deferred payment) Orders?

No. If an on-hold Order is disrupted, please use Manage booking or contact Customer Care.

Can I use FAST to service bookings created outside of FAST? 

Yes, FAST contains an “Import PNR” feature to import Finnair PNRs/Orders created outside FAST. Please note you can only import PNRs/Orders created using existing Finnair NDC Direct Connect or on one of Finnair-certified NDC Aggregators. You cannot import PNRs/Orders created in GDS Edifact.

Please note you are not allowed to import PNRs/Orders without performing a servicing action. If a servicing capability already exists within the existing Agent NDC Direct Connect or Aggregator connection to Finnair NDC, then Agent needs to use that connection to service a PNR/Order. Only in case, there is a missing servicing capability is the Agent allowed to import and service such PNR in FAST. Please refer to FAST Terms & Conditions for more details.

Once you import a PNR/Order you can do any servicing action that is available to FAST-created PNRs.

Can name changes be performed? ​​

Name changes or corrections are not possible in FAST yet. For any name changes or corrections please contact Finnair Customer Care.

Can I service a booking created with one of my agency’s IATA numbers with another IATA number of my agency?

This is possible in FAST by using the ‘Import PNR’ feature. Please note you need to let us know (by contacting us at ndc@finnair.com) all IATA numbers your agency plans to use so we can create the necessary setup.

What ancillaries are currently available? 

Seats, bags, lounge access, Wi-Fi, meals, in both prime booking and servicing flows.

What kind of support is available to FAST users? 

FAST offers in-app chat application support, with human assistance every day between 08-23h GST. Alternatively, you can contact NDC Support via e-mail following these guidelines.

Will there be training for using FAST?

FAST is an intuitive and simple-to-use web interface. Instructions on how to use FAST, including videos will be available inside the application. In case you feel that is not sufficient for you please reach out to us at ndc@finnair.com and we will discuss a possible training session.

What should I do if my access credentials are not working, or I get locked out of FAST?

Please contact FAST chat support (with human assistance every day between 08-23h GST) which is also available prior to FAST sign-in.

Who can I reach out to if I have questions related to FAST? 

In case you cannot find the information you need on any of the resources available here or elsewhere on our NDC Portal, you can contact your Finnair Sales Account Manager or send us an email at ndc@finnair.com