Here you can find a selection of frequently asked questions:

What should we do if our credentials are not working/have stopped working?

Contact us following the recommendations on the Contact page.


After running a test case, what is the information I should add to the Teams planner?

In the task comments, add the corresponding OrderID (or PNR Record Locator, ticket number and EMD number, if applicable). Then move the task to the AY: Validation column.


What if a test case is unclear or there is a blocker to run it?

Post a message under the Teams planner task (the task creator/PO will be notified) or notify us in our MS Teams space. Another option is to raise the question during our status meeting.


How long is an offer valid?  

Offers are valid for 30 minutes. The expiration date/time is visible in the AirShoppingRS and OfferPriceRS.


What are timeouts per call?

The Response Timeout (RTO) for every NDC message is set to 90 seconds.


Which Pseudo City Code, Agent Duty Code, POS Type and Requestor Type should be sent in the messages’ header?

Refer to the use case.

Values to be used:

  • POS_Type="1"

  • RequestorType="U"

  • PseudoCityCode="NDCAY071A"

  • AgentDutyCode="SU"


What NDC version should be used in the AirlineProfile request?

Use version 20.2. Refer to the use case.


What is the use of the SystemID?

For direct connect partners only, the SystemID is required to generate the OrderChangeNotifRQ. Thus, it needs to be sent in the OrderCreateRQ.

What passenger data is mandatory and what is not supported?

Mandatory data for each passenger:

  • Last name and first name
  • Contact information
  • Date of birth (for children and infants, and for secure flight bookings)

Optional data:

  • Title
  • Gender
  • Adult pax association for infants
  • Language for notifications
  • Passport information
  • Frequent Flyer cards

Data that is not supported by AY NDC:

  • Middle name

What is the maximum length of passenger name field with/without infant?

Each first name and last name can have up to 36 characters. The name element can have up to 58 characters in total (including space and special characters, following the below format).


In case of a longer name provided, an automatic truncation is applied.

Is the contact information sent per order or per passenger?

The contact information can be provided both per passenger or for the whole order (same data for all passengers). Just bear in mind we recommend having real passenger information for close-to-departure notifications.

Which one between email and phone number is mandatory for AY NDC bookings?

Both are mandatory for AY NDC bookings.

Could you please clarify the possible values for <ContactTypeText>?

  • Standard is the default value to create AP (phone)  and APE (email)  elements
  • Notification specifies the contact information to be used for contacting the passenger (creates APN-E, APN-M, CTCE and CTCM elements)
  • Mailing is the same as Notification but is used for postal mail (AM element). Not mandatory in AY NDC. 
  • Billing is used for sending billing information (AB element)

What should be done in case the passenger does not provide some of the contact information?

It is not possible to complete a booking without indicating an email and phone number.

What cabins are supported?

Finnair flights support Economy (ECO), Premium Economy (PRE) and Business (BUS).


Do you accept multiple cabins at once in shopping requests?

No,  one AirShoppingRQ must be sent per cabin. Refer to the Separate Cabins Search (PDF) release note.


Does combifare show different fare benefits for outbound and inbound?

Yes, the fare benefits are displayed per bound and do not take into account restrictions per itinerary.


Does AY NDC support corporate sellers?

Yes, it does.

Is it possible to create orders with mixed cabins?

While it is technically possible, it will not be later possible to service such bookings. This is why we ask our partners to do a separate AirShoppingRQ for each cabin type and create orders only with one cabin type.. Read more in the release note


Is there a list of IATA locations where AY is flying?

Yes, the list of origins and destinations flown by AY is available with the AirlineProfile message.


Can the price be different between NDC messages?

Price can change between Airshopping and OfferPrice messages because CC fees are computed at OfferPrice. After that, the price does not change anymore. It is possible to do multiple OfferPrice calls. Price is recomputed each time.

In the same way in the post-booking flow, the second OrderReshop recomputes and blocks the price.


Is there a default currency? Is it possible to change it?

The currency automatically matches the country code provided in the Point of Sale (POS), but it is possible to override it in AirShopping or OfferPrice. Refer to the corresponding Implementation guides.


Does AY NDC send itinerary information (IFT) after creating the order?

Yes,  depending on the agreed settings,  AY NDC can send the ticketing information containing the itinerary to the passenger.


Are the queues available to the agent?

No, queuing is not activated for NDC bookings.


Does the shopping request work with city codes or airport codes?

The AirShoppingRQ accepts both. Using the city code potentially allows having offers for all airports in the specified city.


Do frequent flyer cards generate any discount?

There is no flight discount based on frequent flyer cards. They are used for miles accrual and seat pricing.

What are the chargeable ancillaries available via NDC API?

Via ServiceList:

  • Lounges (LOUS, LOUC)
  • Internet access onboard (WIAS, WIAM, WIAL, WIEP, WIEH, WIES, WIEF)

Via SeatAvailability:

  • Seats


Does AY NDC support different baggage types?

Yes, AY NDC supports PDBG, XHBG, CAOB, SKIS, GOLF. Check out the release note here.


Can an ancillary be added to an unpaid order?

Yes, ancillaries can be added to both unpaid and ticketed orders.


Can an ancillaries be refunded?

Ancillaries are by default non-refundable, there are however a few exceptions:

  • In case of involuntary flight change or cancellation customer can claim refund of unused travel extras by filling out the Refund Form.
  • If customer buys a Business Class upgrade, all irrelevant ancillaries are automatically refunded (e.g. preorder meal, seat reservation, extra baggage, lounge access, or previously bought Premium Economy upgrade)
  • Customers with Flex tickets if they cancel the reservation can also claim refund of unused travel extras by filling out the Refund Form.
  • If service is not provided to the customer due to Finnair.


Is it possible to add free-of-charge meals?

Yes, you can add free meals during prime and post-booking flows if they are offered on the chosen flight.


Does AY NDC support seat exemption?

Yes, AY NDC supports seat exemption based on the Frequent Flyer tier.


How to book more than one bag per passenger?

In OrderCreateRQ or OrderChangeRQ, repeat the <SelectedOfferItem> section corresponding to the prepaid bag OfferItem. Use the same OfferItemID and PaxRefID.


Where can all prices for prepaid baggage be found?

Refer to the information available on Finnair.com.


How ancillaries that need manual confirmation are processed?

Ancillaries that need manual confirmation (such as pets or bicycles) are not handled via AY NDC and it is also not possible to rebook them via Manage Booking. The seller needs to contact Customer Care for that.


What is the purpose of the <SimplePricingInd> parameter in the seat map request? 

This parameter is mandatory. It allows receiving priced seats (offers).


How to receive free services on the service catalogue?

To get free services, you need to use the ‘FCS’ indicator in the ServiceListRQ. Refer to the use case.


Are the ancillary catalogues different between the prime and post booking?

No, there is no difference between the two service catalogues.


Can you pay for ancillaries and for the unpaid order at the same time?

Yes, you can pay for all unpaid items in the order at the same time with an OrderChangeRQ.


Is there a payment time limit for added unpaid ancillaries?

No, in NDC there is no payment time limit for ancillaries.


Which flights should be used for ancillaries’ testing?

Ancillaries are sold based on the cabin, ticket type, flight duration and departure time.

  • The lounge is available for the flights departing from Helsinki.

  • Meals are available on Finnair long-haul flights.

  • WiFi is available on most Finnair-operated long-haul flights based on the aircraft type.

To get all these ancillaries at once, we suggest using the HEL-SIN flights.

Is it possible to service bookings which have mixed cabins?

No, currently not possible via AY NDC. This is why we ask our partners to not make mixed cabin bookings and to do a separate AirShoppingRQ for each cabin type. Read more in the release note.


Is it possible to add Frequent Flyer cards (SSR FQTV) in the order?

No, currently it is not possible via AY NDC. It can be done on Finnair's website under Manage booking.


Is it possible to change a seat?

No, you can add a seat but it is not possible to change an already booked seat via AY NDC.


Will the passenger receive a full refund in the void window?

In the void window, all tickets and EMDs are voided before the payment is processed. The passenger will not be charged at all.


What is the message flow to refund an order?

  • OrderRetrieve
  • OrderReshop
  • OrderCancel

The reason to add the step of OrderReshop is that before refunding the ticket, you can see the cancellation policy and penalties (if any).


Is it possible to add an infant to an order?

No, it is not possible to add any new passengers to the order.


Do you support order refund during the void window?

Yes, you can refund an order, however, the order void is strongly recommended since it releases the charge on the same day.


Is split operation available in AY NDC?

Yes, it is possible to split an order via AY NDC. 


Is it possible to retrieve the order history? 

No, currently the OrderHistory message is not in use in AY NDC.


If a promo code was applied in the booking flow, should the promo code be sent again in the exchange flow?

No, the promo code is not needed in the OrderReshopRQ, as the system evaluates the new pricing conditions automatically.

Does NDC support disruption handling (voluntary after involuntary)?

Yes, Finnair supports acknowledgement and exchange of alternate flights proposed by the airline in case of disruption. Check the release note.


How do partners get notified about schedule changes?

OrderChangeNotif is triggered in case of a change in the flights  or ancillaries. Check OrderChangeNotif implementation guide for further details regarding triggering events.


Can you rebook orders made in NDC via Manage Booking?

No. Only adding ancillaries is possible in Manage Booking portal.